Stellar Blade Un'esclusiva PS5 che sta facendo discutere per l'eccessiva bellezza della protagonista. Vieni a parlarne su Award & Oscar!



  • Messaggi
    Post: 1
    Città: MILANO
    Età: 36
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 23/02/2009 17:45
    Hi! it's Michela i would like to know what is the final message of the show....
    The play was very beautiful....i liked it a lot..!!
    See you Bye Bye
    Post: 6
    Età: 39
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 04/03/2009 18:22
    Hey Michela,

    We are all really glad that you enjoyed the show, and your question is a really difficult one to answer as lots of different messages can be taken from the show.

    The main theme running through Animal Farm is about the corruption of power and how it is very easy for people who come into power (perhaps through revolution) to become as corrupt as those they replaced. In this sense, Orwell has written the novel to warn us about the corrupting influence of power.

    But my own personal opinion of the play's final message is one of optimism. All of the men who are shown on slides at the end of the play, although they were corrupt, were eventually ousted in one way or another. So, personally, I think the message is that although power can corrupt men, humanity is fundamentally good and will not stand for such corruption and good will eventually win.

    My cast members may have other opinions!! [SM=g27994]

    What do you think the message is??

    Thanks again for your question,

    Rob H
    aka Benjamin/Moses/Mr. Whymper
    Post: 5
    Età: 45
    Sesso: Femminile
    00 10/03/2009 21:46
    Final Message
    Hi Michela,

    Thank you for your comment.

    I think for me the final message (or one of them!) is one of awareness - that it is up to the people to really act upon their instincts. In the play alot of the animals knew something wasn't right but they sat back and let things continue to get worse - Clover, Benjimin, Muriel. I'd like to think the message is one of creating an awareness that power corruption is easily achieved with the consent of the people, therefore it's up to the people to stand against it.

    I'm glad you liked the play!

    Take care
